Sheridan Lays Off Support Staff

In these economic times employers have become increasingly concerned about their business, including Sheridan College. Fortunately here at Sheridan we have our two support staff collective agreements. One for our long standing full time unit, and our brand new part time unit.

For those in the full time unit who have been around for awhile, you will recall the dark days of bumping and layoffs. It was the collective agreement that gave the right for the union to be involved in recommending the best course of actions and other important transition benefits. Unfortunately, for our sisters and brothers in our Part Tine unit, the employer declined similar language that the full time unit enjoys. So, here at Sheridan this employer, hid behind their management doors to make their secretive plans to lay off scores of our sisters and brothers.


Our Part Time unit will soon be opening negotiations for the renewal of that Agreement. This experience, I suspect, will lead to greater harmony between our two agreements on employment stability.

At this time, our union is as always, advocating for our sisters and brothers. We have received many requests for updates to our current job stability and the Employer is coming out with requests of our workers to utilize vacation balances. Please contact your steward if you have questions around this initiative and possible options.

We’ve just heard that public schools will not reopen May 4th and stricter travel restrictions are being legislated. We’ll be in this state for some time to come and work to come to mutually beneficial arrangements for our members tasked to support the online classroom, whether ours or their children’s.

Reach out, we’re here to listen,.

In solidarity,

Nancy Heath
President, OPSEU Local 245